We at Prestige Gems provide you with the finest colored precious and semi-precious gemstones. We guarantee the gemstones provided by us are naturally mined gems and certified. All our gemstones are ethically sourced from mines in Ratnapura, Pelmedulla Kahawatte and Eheliyagoda with minimal negative impact on the environment. We have a wide selection of perfectly cut and polished natural precious and semi-precious gemstones that are sure to fit your need. Gifting gemstones are a wonderful way of surprising a loved one, leaving them with a great impression and lifetime of joy.

We can say with confidence that we offer the best prices in the market on the high quality gems we sell. You will certainly find gems at lower prices, but you will simply not find high grade, well-cut gemstones at lower prices. Most of the gemstones in the market are lower grade material, referred to in the trade as commercial grade. These gems suffer from mediocre color or clarity, and are typically poorly cut, lacking brilliance and fire. We always strive to select the best gemstones and deliver it to the customer at a reasonable price.